May 13, 2024

Archives for January 2018

Tech And Communication: A Love/Hate Story For Individuals

If you haven’t heard of the hyper-realistic game “Bury Me, My Love” which follows the emotional tale of a Syrian refugee on your phone, then you haven’t fully measured the power of digital communication. The interactive dialogue-driven game was launched last year on iOS and Android. Entirely based on real-life stories, the game lets the player help … [Read more...]

Wowing Adult Friends When Entertaining Like An Adult

At some point in our lives, we seem to graduate from solely socializing by having a few drinks with the guys. Instead, we find ourselves being invited to dinner parties. With those invitations comes the dawning realization that one day, you too will have to host one. If that day is fast approaching and you’re unsure what you’re supposed to do, here … [Read more...]

Come Together! Getting A Community Fun Day Set Up

Flickr It's a great way to get families, friends and people who never met together. Organizing a fun day for charity is fantastic because, not just the fact that you are raising money for charity, but it's a great way to bring people together. Lots of neighborhoods nowadays aren't that particularly close-knit so you could use this as an … [Read more...]

Seriously Cool Sports To Try This Year!

When it comes to New Year's resolutions, there are few more common than the desire to start being more active and healthy. People join gyms, they buy workout clothes, they get themselves totally hyped up for staying in shape, and then they inevitably give up after a few weeks and end up sitting on the couch all day just like the did in December. … [Read more...]

Mind, Body, Sports

Image source We all know that sports and regular exercise are good for our bodies, helping us to lose weight, stay trim and keep everything from our hearts to our lungs strong and stable, but did you know that sports can have an extremely positive effect on the mind too? If you’ve ever been anxious, depressed or otherwise troubled by your … [Read more...]