May 1, 2024

Coquitlam Mountie sues to clear his tarnished reputation

A Coquitlam RCMP officer who claims he suffered public humiliation when pictures of him on a fetish website were made public has filed what his lawyer is calling the ‘biggest breach of privacy case in the history of Canada.’

Corporal Jim Brown is suing four people including prominent Vancouver lawyer Cameron Ward.

Brown’s lawyer Bryan Baynham says Ward has been repeatedly asked to stop linking the Mountie to serial killer Robert Pickton.

“My client has absolutely nothing to do with the Picktons other than doing some surveillance as part of an ongoing investigation. He had a very minimal part in the Pickton investigation.”

Ward and the main defendant Grant Wakefield have three weeks to file a response.

The other two defendants have not been identified.
Brown is currently being investigated by the RCMP for professional misconduct, but there’s no proof he committed any crimes.

Ward has declined CKNW’s request for comment.

CKNW Vancouver News

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