May 4, 2024

Cowichan Valley school trustees could be fired this weekend

Time is running out for the elected board of education in the Cowichan Valley.

Board members could be fired tomorrow.

Education Minister George Abbott says the board has until midnight tonight to submit a balanced budget, as required by the school act.

If they don’t, Abbott says he will meet Sunday with Lieutenant Governor Steven Point to sign an ‘order in council’ removing the board.

“They have been managing their affairs in a political fashion.  While that is normally not something we can do anything about, in this instance, they have combined it with a defecit budget and it puts us in the position where all things being equal they will be fired from their positions.”

The board doesn’t seem ready to blink and signalled in a recent news release they are ready to take any effort to fire them to court.

CKNW Vancouver News

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