May 7, 2024

Native leader says judge should have sent Robinson to jail

At least one First Nations elder is accusing the judge in the Monty Robinson case of misusing an aboriginal legal provision, after the former RCMP officer was sentenced to no jail time for obstructing justice.

Grand Chief Stewart Philip says some blame goes to Robinson’s lawyer as well.

“The intent of Gladue was not to provide a legal loophole for high-priced lawyers to get their clients off from being held accountable for their actions. In this case, an individual died.”

Philip says the 42-year-old should have been held to account like anyone else, and been sent to jail.

“In this case, I think it is a completely inappropriate application of the Gladue provisions.”

Gladue refers to a Canadian provision a court can use when considering how to sentence an aboriginal offender.            

CKNW Vancouver News

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