May 1, 2024

Rio Theatre hung up in red tape

Supporters of the Rio Theatre in east Vancouver plan to rally outside the Premier’s Constituency Office Thursday.
They say they want Christy Clark to explain why the Government won’t allow the Rio to show movies as long as no alcohol is served.

Two months ago, the theatre had to stop showing films because it violated its new liquor licence, even if the bar was closed during screenings.
Owner Corinne Lea, “All we’ve been asking to do is show movies without alcohol, and use our liquor licence for the live events that we’re allowed to. So, there’s no public safety issue, if there’s no alcohcol being served at the movies. We really don’t understand why we can’t just lock up the alcohol and skip all this red tape.”

The Government had announced changes in Feburary to make the liquor laws more flexible for venues that hold live events. But Lea says the new conditions just aren’t practical.

CKNW Vancouver News

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