May 2, 2024

VPD Chief pleased with first riot sentence

Vancouver’s Police Chief is pleased with the length of the sentence handed to 20-year-old Ryan Dickinson, the first Stanley Cup rioter to be sentenced.

Dickinson was sentenced to seventeen months behind bars, and with time already served, with spend another thirteen and a half months in jail.
Chief Constable Jim Chu says while he expects every case to be treated differently, based on the details and the suspect’s personal history, Thursday’s decision sets a good tone going forward.
“Because of the strength of the case, that increased the likelihood of a guilty plea,” said Chu, “guilty pleas to save court time and save costs and what we’ve seen is a very appropriate sentence in my view.”

The VPD have announced that another eleven charges were approved against five more rioters Thursday, bringing the total to 141 formal charges laid against 52 suspects.

CKNW Vancouver News

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