May 6, 2024

The Premier won’t be perusing Martyn Brown’s new ebook

It doesn't look like Premier Christy Clark will be laying down the $ 5.99 to buy Martyn Brown's new e-book any time soon.  The former chief of staff to Premier Gordon Campbell takes some shots at Clark in the new publication, but Clark will be taking a pass.  "I haven't read it Sean and I'm probably not going to get a chance to read it, … [Read more...]

Reading Rainbow roaring back with RRKidz iPad app, ‘disruptive’ ebook technology in tow

LeVar Burton may best be known 'round these parts for his role in Star Trek, but he'll soon be known as the guy who made childhood reading relevant again. It wasn't that long ago that today's up-and-coming adults were soaking up all sorts of useful knowledge during their summers, glued to a PBS station and doing their darndest to climb inside of … [Read more...]