April 24, 2024

HEAT shelter neighbours, “demoralized and upset.”

They're fed up with needles in their yards, in parks and on sidewalks on Seymour near Davie. They also say they're afraid to go out at night. Spokesperson Sharon Promislow says there needs to be better controls in place at the shelter, "It seems like the controls at the shelter have degenerated; there's just a lot of breakout of needle usage, … [Read more...]

Park Board hears from very upset Community Centre neighbours

The Board proposes a plan that would redistribute funding to help 'have not' centres.  Staff would centralize certain costs at each centre, such as bookkeeping, to save money and not cut programs. But Kerrisdale Centre members say they fear those cuts, and that they manage their centre just fine, "We are starting a campaign to get the city's … [Read more...]