April 24, 2024

Is Your Financial History Weighing You Down?

Is Your Financial History Weighing You Down? Baggage If you’ve suffered from an unfortunate financial history, you might find that even if you’ve fixed your money problems, it still haunts you today. It can be the worst problem to deal with if you’re trying to move on in life, as it can affect so many things that you try to do. Firstly, if … [Read more...]

What Impacts Your Credit Score?

Image source - https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8449/28789994703_488d60d2c5_b.jpg Keeping up to date with your credit score is of paramount importance. Your credit rating will impact many different things in your life, including your ability to get a mortgage and secure better deals on credit cards. Not only is it important to know what your credit … [Read more...]