April 26, 2024

Google’s own support site confirms ‘Google Wallet card’

There's just something about plastic, isn't there? While Google tried to convince the world that we could all pay for everything using only our mobiles, the harsh reality is that we're still probably many, many years out from that being possible. In the interim, it looks as if Google's planning to bridge the divide with a Google Wallet card. While … [Read more...]

Open your wallet for Variety Show of Hearts

For me, there’s only ever been one true Valentine: the Carl who played for the Whitecaps between 1979-1984. Having said that, there is something worthwhile happening this weekend (note to every man in the world: Valentine’s Day is next Tuesday) that has a lot of heart — and absolutely zero price-gouging on flowers, chocolates or cheesy Hallmark … [Read more...]

Open your heart, wallet

For me, there’s only ever been one true Valentine: the Carl who played for the Whitecaps between 1979-1984. Having said that, there is something worthwhile happening this weekend (note to every man in the world: Valentine’s Day is next Tuesday) that has a lot of heart — and absolutely zero price-gouging on flowers, chocolates or cheesy Hallmark … [Read more...]