April 20, 2024

Facebook privacy overhaul grants better controls for permissions, apps, photos and more

Facebook privacy overhaul grants better controls for permissions, apps, photos and more

Voting for changes may never be the same on Facebook, but it sure seems as if the company is taking your privacy more seriously than perhaps it has in the past. In a move that signals bold changes on behalf of the user, Facebook has published two posts today outlining a litany of both user and developer tweaks that enable greater control over content. Today’s updates include Privacy Shortcuts, an easier-to-use Activity Log, and a new Request and Removal tool for managing multiple photos you’re tagged in; it’s also adding “new in-product education that makes key concepts around controlling your sharing clearer, such as in-context reminders about how stuff you hide from timeline may still appear in news feed, search, and other places.”

Over on the dev side, it’s introducing a series of updates to the Login dialog to improve the clarity and control of the app permissions process. Notably, much of this is already present in iOS 6, but now it’s rolling the tweaks out “more broadly.” There’s plenty to dive into — those source links over there just need a little attention.

Filed under: Internet, Facebook


Source: Facebook (1), (2)


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