May 18, 2024

Why It’s Important to be Culturally Educated when Travelling the World

It is a known fact that you just can’t jump on a plane and travel to your destination without some form of preparation. You’ll need to pack your clothes, know where you’re going and even download some maps of the area. Another thing that you may want to do is make sure that you are culturally educated. A lot of people think that they can pick up … [Read more...]

Holiday Hacks To Try

Before you just jump right into booking a holiday, read this article first. There’s money to be saved, and bargains to be found throughout the whole booking and holiday process. People are so quick to book the first holiday they see without shopping around for deals or reading advice. This is why we’re here to change your view point. You should … [Read more...]

Dogs On Vacation? The Pawfect Break Away For You Both

Do you ever feel really guilty when you leave your dog at the boarding kennels for a week? And doesn’t it somehow feel a hundred times worse when you pick him up, and he ignores you for a full day as punishment? Vacations are about relaxing and relinquishing all the stress that’s built up. It’s not supposed to be the cause of more stress and worry … [Read more...]

Budget Eats On A Journey Around The World

Your stomach is a lot like your libido: it doesn’t stop while you are away from home. Indeed, the temptations and urges may get stronger and stronger as you make your way from one country to the next. And, that is a good thing because traveling is about trying new things and putting your taste buds to the test. There’s one teeny weenie problem, … [Read more...]

5 Tips For Doubling The Number of Trips You Take Each Year

OK, hands up: who wants to go on more trips than they’re currently going on? We’re going to take a guess, and say that’s...just about everyone. And why not? Travelling is just about the most fun activity you can do! New horizons, meeting new people, learning more about yourself; it’s addictive! Alas, there’s such a thing as that pesky ‘real life’ … [Read more...]

Look For More Than McDonald’s Next Time You Go Away

Whatever your reasons, one thing remains the same; new countries offer new experiences. Anyone who sets foot on foreign soil has access to a wealth of exploration, new foods, and languages to learn. And, you can do all that while ticking the boxes on your vacation wish list. If relaxation is the aim of your game, you can do that while enjoying … [Read more...]

5 Reasons Why California Is A Forgotten Paradise

Image Lots of people think of California as a state of two halves. One half is full of surfer dudes and the other half consists of wine vineyards, but California is one of those states that has some magic in the air. The first thing that can really appeal is the fact that it's so sunny all the time. And life on the west coast is a pretty relaxing … [Read more...]

Conquer Your Fear of the Unknown With a Backpacking Holiday

Backpacking has, for a long time, been one of the more hidden forms of holiday and adventuring. Unlike traditional holidays, backpacking doesn’t have a set plan which makes it a more explorative experience. There’s a lot to discover when backpacking which is why many individuals have turned down the classic beach holiday in favour of something more … [Read more...]

Take A Breather With These Relaxing Getaways

If you feel like you need to spend a week or two recharging your batteries and trying to shake off all of the stress of work, a vacation could be just what you need. Here are some of the best relaxing getaways for you to jet away to. Source Beach Holiday Is there anything more relaxing than lounging on the beach while sipping some delicious … [Read more...]

Sample The Delights Of Hong Kong In 48 Hours

Image Credit Hong Kong can deliver the ultimate culture shock with its neon lights, ridiculously tall skyscrapers and densely populated streets. Look hard enough, and you’ll be able to spot the odd pocket of tranquility near the stunning harbor, perfect for when you’ve spent the past day pummelling the Far Eastern ground with your weary feet. A … [Read more...]