June 26, 2024

New report details cell phone horror stories

Advocacy group OpenMedia.ca has released a report that’s collected horror stories from people about mistreatment from their cell phone companies.

The studies details nearly 3,000 stories that describe poor service, restrictive contracts and disrespect – mostly when it comes to the big three, Telus, Bell and Rogers.

Some B.C. stories: a Victoria resident talks about signing a three-year contract with Rogers with a phone that didn’t get service in their apartment.

The person says Rogers wouldn’t accept a return, and the customer was locked into the deal that called for monthly payments, but no actual commitment to actually provide usable service during that time.

Another B.C.-er says they had to take TELUS to court because the company refused to acknowledge proof their touch screen phone wouldn’t hang up calls.

Another person claims Rogers recommended a data plan while they were travelling overseas, and ended up getting charged $ 1,000 in roaming fees for a single day while in Japan.

CKNW Vancouver News

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