June 26, 2024

A few hundred gather at Peace Arch border in support of Idle No More movement

A few hundred people have gathered at the Peace Arch Border for a rally in support of the Idle No More movement. The crowd has formed a circle below the Peace Arch and with flags waving in the breeze, song and the sound of drums has been ringing out. Those gathered are there for various reason, but they're all there in support of the … [Read more...]

First Nations Senator opposes ‘Idle No More’ movement

A First Nations Senator is coming out against the 'Idle No More' movement.  Senator Patrick Brazeau says the movement is short on offering much needed solutions to problems plaguing aboriginal peoples.  Matter of fact Brazeau says the 'Idle No More' movement is spreading "mis-information" about federal bill C-45. "It is going to allow … [Read more...]

Advocate says labour movement going strong in B.C.

As workers get set to commemorate Labour Day, the president of the BC Federation of Labour says th movement here is going strong.  "I think the labour movement today is up and fighting back as best we can on most days. In British Columbia today, we see in many cases workers getting collective agreements with 2.5-percent and 3-percent wage … [Read more...]

03/04/2012 – Power of Movement

Join thousands of Canadians in a celebration of movement with Canada's largest yoga challenge. All funds raised from the event will support the life-changing research of arthritis and autoimmune diseases. Yoga teachers from Canada's leading yoga studios will teach classes designed to build a healthy balance of strength and flexibility. Power of … [Read more...]

Finally, some movement

Occupy Vancouver demonstrators have agreed to do some things in an effort to move towards working in collaboration with the city, police, and fire department. At their General Assembly last night, demonstrators voted to invite fire officials to inspect their site. They also voted to not have any open flames, or heat sources in their tents, and … [Read more...]

One of the original Occupy Vancouver protesters says the movement has been “hijacked.”

    One of the original Occupy Vancouver protesters says it might be time to call it a day and pack the tents up.  Tim Moorley says over the last little while another group has moved in and hijacked the Occupy Vancouver protest.   Moorley says the group hides behind the protest as a whole refusing to give their names or take … [Read more...]

Occupy movement a global awakening

The founder of Vancouver-based Adbusters, whose anti-consumerist magazine catalyzed the Occupy Wall Street demonstration, didn’t expect the movement to spread like wildfire, says an Occupy Vancouver organizer. New Westminster resident Min Reyes said she and other organizers met up with Adbusters founder and editor Kalle Lasn and said he realized … [Read more...]