June 26, 2024

Commissioner speaks out on Community Centre plans

An NPA Park Board Commissioner is hoping the third time is the charm as she pushes for more public consultations in a dispute with community centres.  Melissa de Genova says after being ruled out of order twice, her motion asking for a series of public consultations will be debated and voted on, Monday, "Well, if they vote it down, I think … [Read more...]

Man speaks out about condition of Burnaby apartment building destroyed by fire as RCMP guards wreckage of building

A nineteen-year-old man who lost his dog and all his belongings in a fire at a Burnaby apartment building Sunday morning, is speaking out about how the building was kept. Jesse Vincent lived with his mother in the building on Smith Avenue near Canada way. He says the electrical system wasn't good, saying he'd turn on a light in the bathroom and it … [Read more...]

BC Conservative Party candidate speaks out against Enbridge proposal

The BC Conservative Party and Leader John Cummins are all for the Enbridge Northern Gateway Oil Pipeline but a candidate is breaking ranks. Kelowna Lake Country candidate Graem James says he just can't support the Enbridge proposal. "I just don't think Enbridge is a company to build that pipeline they have had concerns there has been 600 spills I … [Read more...]

UPDATE: Auditor General speaks about leaving BC for new job

Saying he didn't want to leave BC, Auditor General John Doyle admits recent events convinced him to take a job offer in his native Australia.  He says the offer of a two-year extension from Premier Christy Clark was insulting. "I made it clear to the chair of the committee that I wouldn't accept anything other than a six-year extension. If for … [Read more...]

Daughter of two West End victims speaks

A family member of a couple attacked in a West End apartment building Thursday night says her parents are still shocked and distraught. Lin and Neil gillin, 2 of the 7 people injured, are now home and recovering and CKNW caught up with their daughter Kerry just outside the complex at 1263 Barclay Street. She told us they were not stabbed, but her … [Read more...]

Alberta Energy Minister speaks in Vancouver

"We're friends,we're neighbours." That is the message from Alberta's Energy Minister as he speaks to the Vancouver Board of Trade about challenges Alberta faces in moving its oil products. Ken Hughes says he is here to collaborate and work with British Columbians when  it comes to moving bitumen from Alberta  through BC. And what is he … [Read more...]

Liberal candiate replacing ousted MLA John Slater speaks

It is official an Oliver City Councillor, and former Mayor, will replace John Slater as the BC Liberals candidate in Boundary Similkameen.  In light of the controversy of the Liberals ejecting John Slater, Linda Larson says she would have preferred a better route to the nomination. "That is true but I think you know controversy is one of those … [Read more...]

DJ at the centre of MILF question controversy speaks out

The DJ who asked the Premier about being a MILF in December and was let go from his Courtney station yesterday is finally speaking out. Speaking on CKNW's Simi Sara show Justin ‘Drex’ Wilcombes explained what he would have said if his former employer had given him the opportunity to speak instead of muzzling him after the … [Read more...]

Bus company lawyer speaks about Oregon crash

While governments on both sides of the border investigate if a bus crash that killed nine people on December 30th could have been prevented, a lawyer for Mi Joo travel is finally talking. Mark Scheer only took a few questions during a news conference in Seattle. He says the cause was likely weather-related. "Black ice was a significant factor. … [Read more...]

Kits base Canadian Coast Guard member speaks out

A retiring Canadian Coast Guard member who has spent almost 20 years at Kitsilano Base says it is time the federal government took the blinders off and stopped gagging its employees. Gerry Moores scoffs at claims by tory MP James moore and others who say safety won't be affected by closing Kits Base. "I would suggest I know quite a bit more than … [Read more...]