June 1, 2024

Vancouver School Board questions provincial funding

The chair of the Vancouver School Board is concerned the provincial government appears to be taking more money away from classrooms. Every year, the province gives school districts grant money to upgrade their buildings, about $ 110 million in total.  For the upcoming school year, Patti Bacchus says the ministry has told districts it's giving … [Read more...]

Liberal Party member brushing off reports of unrest ahead of unveiling of Provincial Budget

As the P0rovincial Government prepares to unveil the budget this week, Liberal MLA John Les is downplaying reports of unrest in the party. He says the Premier is working very hard, and the party is fine. Les calls rumors there will be a non-confidence vote after the budget is tabled unfounded. "I hope there is a vote of some kind on the Budget this … [Read more...]

Mayor of Langley city wants a shot at provincial politics

The Mayor of Langley city is trying to play coy but the cat is out of the bag and he will soon announce a jump into provincial politics. Peter Fassbender say if you are a betting person you will put two and two together ahead of his announcement tomorrow in the riding of Surrey Fleetwood. Fassbender admits he doesn't live in the riding but feels he … [Read more...]

It is a numbers game ahead of next weeks provincial budget

There's a lot of head-counting going on at the legislature these days with the Liberal majority down to just five, and a couple of MLA's absent this week. Premier Christy Clark's apparent effort to woo independent MLA John Slater to support his former colleagues points to a possible problem for the Liberals, mustering enough votes to stay in … [Read more...]

Unclear whether Boundary Similkameen MLA will run in May’s Provincial Election

Whether Boundary Similkameen Liberal MLA John Slater will run again seems to be a bit of a mystery. Sources tell CKNW despite John Slater saying he would run again, he in fact won't be on the ballot. Several attempts to reach Slater by email, and through his constituency office, have gone unanswered. The BC Liberal Party in an email, simply said … [Read more...]

BCTF says provincial memo misses the point

A message from the province's Education Minister earlier this week has the BC Teachers' Federation scratching their head. President Susan Lambert says the message, applauding BC's schools for ranking high in an international reading study, missed the point. She says teachers are working very hard with the funding they have. "It seems to me … [Read more...]

City of Vancouver credit status lowered by Moody’s following Provincial downgrade

The City of Vancouver says they will continue to borrow money as needed for capital projects, despite a downgrading in their credit rating. Moody's lowered Vancouver from Triple "A" Stable status, to Triple "A" Negative, a day after knocking down the provincial rating. Councillor Raymond Louie calls the city a victim of provincial activity. "The … [Read more...]

Provincial inquest into death of Kamloops teen not off the table

BC’s Coroner says an inquest into the death of CJ Morningstar Fowler isn't out of the question at the Provincial level, but police will have to wrap up their investigation before it will even be considered. This after First Nations leaders called for a national inquiry into Fowler's death, citing more must be done to help the country's … [Read more...]

Auditor General: BC Transit won’t meet provincial targets

BC's Auditor-General says BC Transit is not on track to meet the provincial government's goal of doubling transit ridership by 2020. John Doyle says ridership has gone up by nearly seven million trips since 2007, but that's 27 per-cent lower than what would be needed to reach that 2020 target. He's recommending government revisit that goal. BC … [Read more...]

BC gets new provincial court judges

British Columbia now has nine more provincial court judges. Details were announced today by Attorney General Shirley Bond  who says it's part of the government's plan to deal with ongoing backlogs in the court system. Two special projects are planned for next year, one aimed at reducing child protection cases, and the other will focus on … [Read more...]