April 28, 2024

Big media Twitter campaign backfires


One of Canada’s biggest telecommunications companies is feeling the wrath of its customers.

It looks like Rogers attempt to use social media to promote a service has backfired.

Rogers was hoping a promoted tweet would help launch their new “Rogers 1 number” service — but instead of signing up for the free service, customers are using the hash-tag to blast the company, with some saying they can’t wait for their contracts to expire.

UBC assistant professor Christopher Schneider says the backlash highlights one of the pit-falls of using social media to promote a product.

 “……Rogers and other companies cannot control the content, that is, what it is people will say about their company and about their brand. What they can do is facilitate the exchange using the Rogers hashtag.”

Rogers spokespeople are responding to the negative tweets individually.

CKNW Vancouver News

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