May 6, 2024

Magnolias now in bloom

Did you know that the film Steel Magnolias grossed nearly $ 100 million at the box office when it was released in 1989?

Kind of impressive for a film that had six fully clothed women featured on its promotional poster and no explosions, car chases, sports or automatic assault weapons weaved into its plot.

Did I mention it was released in 1989? Because the highest-grossing films that year included Indian Jones and the Last Crusade, Batman and Lethal Weapon 2.

Originally staged as an off-Broadway play in 1987, the story, written by Robert Harling, is based on the playwright’s experience with the death of his sister.

Now it’s being staged locally by Gateway Theatre.

Set in small-town Louisiana, it’s a story of a close-knit group of friends whose lives come together at a successful hair salon called Truvy’s.

Both hilarious and heartbreaking, it’s a social circle that ultimately proves love and laughter can carry us through life’s toughest tragedies.

The play features Norma Bowen, Sarah Carle, Susan Coodin, Dolores Drake, Anna Hagan and Erin Ormond. Nicola Cavendish directs.

Set design by Drew Facey; costumes, Phillip Clarkson.

Steel Magnolias opens Thursday and runs until Oct. 22 at Gateway Theatre (6500 Gilbert Rd., Richmond). Tickets go for $ 30 to $ 47. More information at

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