May 7, 2024

Veterans honored in Vancouver for Remembrance Day

It’s a day of remembrance for those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Canadians will gather across our nation to mark a moment in history that stands for the freedoms we enjoy today.

As always, Vancouver’s main Remembrance Day service is in Victory Square on Hastings Street.

It begins with a parade of veterans and will end with a twenty one gun salute following the moment of silence at eleven o’clock.             

For the third year, the Olympic cauldron at Jack Poole plaza is being lit for Remembrance Day.

The ceremony, aimed at saluting the new generation of Canadians who serve our country, is marked by the handover of Canada’s flag from a senior veteran to a younger one.

Once again this year, Translink is waving fares for members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Army, Navy and Air Force veterans as well as the Korean Veterans Association.

CKNW Vancouver News

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