May 5, 2024

Cleaning up rooming hotels

A non-profit group has taken the reins of two derelict Downtown Eastside rooming hotels, and a DTES council wants to work with them to make sure everything is smooth sailing.

Gordon Wiebe of the Community Builders Group, which operates four other rooming houses, said they’ve started talking to tenants and people in leadership in the Wonder Rooms and Palace Hotel.

They’ve also begun assessing the buildings for any pest-control and repair issues that need to be addressed when they take over management in September.

“It’s much more than rectifying the physical structure of the building, but to ensure the tenants are part of the leadership of the community,” Wiebe said.

Wiebe said their tenant-support program includes laundry services, nutrition and breakfast programs, and employment opportunities.

Ivan Drury of the Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood Council said they will keep a close eye on the new management’s progress to ensure tenants’ rights are upheld.

“Anything will be better than George Wolsey continuing his control over the building,” Drury said. “I think him handing the control (over the buildings) is a sign of the pressure the community and the residents themselves have been able to bear against him.”

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