May 6, 2024

Guenther prepares for presidency vote

Former President of the Abbotsford Teachers’ Association and BCTF executive member, Rick Guenther is challenging Susan Lambert for presidency of the BCTF, and says there are things that need to change with the way things are done.
He says the union’s relationship with the government needs to be built, and some says ways to do that, are seizing opportunities for conversation whenever they occur, and conversing in a meaningful way, even if it ends in agreeing to disagree.
When asked whether he sees those things as having been issues over the last year, guenther said the union’s relationship with government has been suffering for many years.

“And it can’t be ascribed to one person or the other.  I think it has to do with our culture, I think we need to change that, but change will take place slowly just like changes to get us into this situation occurred over time.”

A president will be elected at the BCTF’s annual general meeting, which goes until Tuesday.

CKNW Vancouver News

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