May 3, 2024

Oppal delivers Missing Women report to BC government

BC’s Missing Women commissioner has delivered his final report to the provincial government, and the Ministry of Justice has promised to make it public before Christmas.

Wally Oppal spent several months reviewing the events leading up to the 2002 arrest of serial killer Robert Pickton, and why police were not able to stop him sooner.

The report is more than 14-hundred pages long, and will likely be released in mid-December.

Oppal was initially supposed to complete his findings by the end of last year, but he was granted three extensions, after spending 94 days collecting evidence.

The total cost of the inquiry is expected to top nine million dollars.

Oppal was appointed in September of 2010 to investigate why dozens of women disappeared from Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside betwen January of 1997 and February of 2002.

CKNW Vancouver News

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