May 6, 2024

Outgoing MLA’s prepare to cash out on the taxpayer dime

 Many of the MLA’s who are heading for the exits will enjoy a juicy pension package.

 And Jordan Bateman with the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation says Murray Coell tops the list.

 “Well Murray Coell is our leader in the clubhouse when it comes to the MLA pension derby at this point, he’s got the richest one so far…he’ll start off year one with an $ 89,000 pension payout and then that will grow every year by the cost of living, so by the time he turns 80 he’ll have collected more than a million and a half dollars in pension.”

 And Bateman notes MLA’s also get a severance payment if they quit.

 “They will get 15 months, up to 15 months of their MLA salary will continue, until they find other work.” 

 Bateman says most workers would kill for that kind of gold plated plan. 

 Meanwhile, outgoing MLA Kevin Krueger will collect nearly $ 88,000 per year for a lifetime total of $ 1.5 million dollars, Dave Hayer will collect $ 47,000, or $ 825,000 in lifetime payments.

 Departing Liberal Kash Heed does not qualify for a pension because he has not served six years in the legislature.

 And New Democrat Michael Sather will collect a $ 28,000 pension when he leaves the legislature behind.

CKNW Vancouver News

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