May 2, 2024

Rubber bullet ends confrontation

A 40 minute stand-off between police and an agitated man ended with the use of a rubber bullet.
Vancouver Police Inspector Joanne Boyle says attempts to talk to the man failed so they shot him with a rubber bullet.

The man was angry but empty handed.

When asked why all the officers and a violent take down, instead of just making an arrest, Boyle said, “Well, I guess we could have, but I really wanted to negotiate with him first. It was obvious to me we were going to need force. He is a big guy, you saw the size of him and you saw the level of his agitation. It would have probably taken six members and it would have been in sort of a tackle, I think. It would have been a better outcome if we were able to negotiate with him.”

Pigeon Park at Hastings and Carrall was behind police tape during the incident.

CKNW Vancouver News

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