May 3, 2024

Dolphin vigil decries animals in captivity

Activists held a vigil outside the Vancouver Aquarium Saturday afternoon, using the recent death of Spinnaker the dolphin to protest all forms of captivity. Annelise Sorg with No Whales in Captivity doesn't buy the argument that Spinnaker would've died had he not been rescued from a fishing net off Japan. "Whales and dolphins need to stop being … [Read more...]

Dolphin Spinnaker dies at Vancouver Aquarium

Spinnaker the dolphin died Thursday morning at the Vancouver Aquarium after a long illness. The Pacific white-sided dolphin had been under close observation and was receiving care for several months before he died. “He would have lived a full life,” said Andrew Trites, director of the marine mammal research unit at UBC. “If everything goes … [Read more...]

Dolphin dies at Vancouver Aquarium

A dolphin died Thursday morning at the Vancouver Aquarium following a prolonged illness. Spinnaker, the aquarium’s male Pacific white-sided dolphin, had been under observation for several months with an illness, but appeared to be doing better in recent weeks, according to a statement from the aquarium. A necropsy will be completed today, with … [Read more...]