May 2, 2024

ICBC workers take more job action

Unionized ICBC workers are taking job action starting Friday as they bring in an overtime ban.
The Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union Local 3-78 Vice President Jeff Gillies calls it phase one of job action, “So we want to see what they have to say next week. If there is no movement then our position is we have to escalate matters.”

However, Gillies wouldn’t tip his hand about what the escalation might be, “We’re in consultation with our members; we just want to see how this overtime ban works out and what sort of discussion takes place at the table. What we will do after that is make a decision on what sort of job action we might take going forward.”

The two sides will meet again next week after the Labour Board ruled ICBC must negotiate wages and benefits.

CKNW Vancouver News

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