May 2, 2024

VPD pushes for more Stanley Cup riot charges

Vancouver police have recommended another 63 charges against 20 suspected Stanley Cup rioters.

Insp. Les Yeo, of the Integrated Riot Investigation Team (IRIT), announced the third round of recommendations Tuesday, bringing it to a total of 278 recommended charges against 100 suspected rioters.

“If you have thought we have given up, we have not,” Yeo said. “We are here for the victims and we will be coming to get you.”

So far, the Crown has only approved 78 charges against 30 people.

In this round of charges, a 15-year-old boy from Surrey allegedly helped flip over a parked car, stole an item from the trunk, pushed over a portable toilet, and was later seen smashing a police car with a metal fence connector.

Of the 100 alleged rioters, 85 are men and 15 are women, 82 per cent are from outside of Vancouver, with 26 hailing from Surrey.

Meanwhile, Coquitlam resident Ryan William Dickinson, 20, the first Stanley Cup rioter to plead guilty, won’t learn his punishment that was originally scheduled for Feb. 7.

Crown spokesperson Neil Mackenzie said Dickinson’s sentencing hearing will be delayed because he changed his defence counsel.

A hearing has been set for Jan. 25 to fix the date for his sentencing.

“At that time, the Crown will also again be addressing the court with respect to our request that the broadcast application be heard at some date that is convenient, prior to the sentencing proceeding,” Mackenzie said.

Dickinson pleaded guilty to participating in a riot and breach of recognizance.

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