May 1, 2024

Lytro’s light field camera hits the FCC, drop-dead simple user manual in tow

2011's most outrageously incredible camera just hit the FCC, leaving it a step or two shy of being on retail shelves here in America. The Lytro light field camera (hands-on) -- for those who blinked through late October -- is a rare game-changing device that enables photographers to shift the depth of field after the image has been captured. The … [Read more...]

Fusion Garage’s Grid 4 smartphone sails through the FCC, Grid OS details flow from user manual

Go on, Fusion Garage -- get down with your bad self. While we'd previously heard that the outfit's $ 399 Grid 4 smartphone wouldn't hit shelves until "closer to Q4," a surprise stop by the FCC this morning makes us cautiously optimistic that it'll happen -- at least in the US -- sooner rather than later. For those who've forgotten, this guy's … [Read more...]