April 29, 2024

Purse snatcher in Abbotsford

Abbotsford Police are looking for a purse-snatcher who preyed on an 85 year old woman. It happened over the noon-hour Sunday  after the woman took out some money from TD Canada Trust, in the 32800 hundred block of South Fraser Way. The woman took out some money, drove to nearby Eagle street and parked her car. As she got out, a young man came … [Read more...]

Police warning: purse snatchers at work in north east Vancouver

Police are putting out a warning about a purse snatcher who's been targeting elderly women in northeast Vancouver. The attacks occured between April 30th and July third. It seems more than one suspect is involved. In one case, a 74 year old woman who refused to hand over her money had her head slammed into a dumpster. Police say elderly women … [Read more...]