May 6, 2024

Moore says the federal government won’t “micromanage” the RCMP

That’s what a senior Member of Parliament from B.C. says about plans to transfer a Mountie from Edmonton to the Lower Mainland who used his position to drink, have sex with and expose himself to subordinates at work.
At the same time however James Moore says the federal government “doesn’t micro-manage personnel issues at the RCMP.”
Moore says it’s up to the RCMP to make their decisions and justify them to the public.

“We don’t micromanage the personnel decisions of the RCMP. There are enough members of the public who are upset about this decision, it’s up to the RCMP to respond explain to act accordingly.”

Moore goes on to say the law prevents politicians from telling the RCMP what police officers can and can’t do or what the force can do with particular members.

“The law does not allow political interference in the management of the RCMP.”

CKNW Vancouver News

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