May 1, 2024

Union representing Coast Guard say changes from Ottawa almost like “Baywatch”

The Union of Canadian Transportation Employees, who represent Coast Guard staff, is curious about a visit from the Commissioner tomorrow.

 After being told Coast Guard Commissioner Mark Gregoire will address staff in Vancouver, The Union’s Pacific region Vice President Dave Clark said “I read that they are celebrating 50 years and they are taking away services from BC’er and across Canada and I think he should be ashamed and I think he should publically say why he is taking away safety first line people from BC and he should be able to answer that.”

 Clark says the commissioners plan to close the Kits base and rely on a rescue boat and auxillary members for emergencies is almost like “Baywatch.”

 A source says the commissioner will have a brief presentation on the “transformation of the coast guard” before taking questions from staff.

CKNW Vancouver News

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