May 19, 2024

“Knight Rises” Posters, Photos, TV Spots

The marketing push for Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight Rises" has continued full force this week with the last 24 hours seeing the release of almost a dozen new photos, 4 spectacular billboard posters, and the first two TV spots with quite a bit of new footage. You can check them all out by clicking any of the images below. At the same time … [Read more...]

Neeson Talks “Taken 2” & First Photos

In a recent sit down with EW, Liam Neeson spoke about the upcoming sequel to the action hit "Taken" and how it ties back to the first film which became an unexpected runaway hit. Things are set in motion when he, his wife and daughter to come stay with him in Istanbul where he’s doing security work for a sheik. It's there that relatives of the men … [Read more...]

Hardy On Bane & More “Knight” Photos

While The Joker was an agent of chaos and destruction in "The Dark Knight", Tom Hardy says his Bane in "The Dark Knight Rises" is a villain with a completely different approach. "Bane is not that guy. There is a very meticulous and calculated way about Bane. There is a huge orchestration of organization to his ambition. He is also a physical … [Read more...]

Intriguing New “Prometheus” Photos

'Prometheus Mission Connect', a recent online mini-game for Ridley Scott's upcoming sci-fi epic "Prometheus", has been played by a few people now and in the process revealed some intriguing new images. Mostly these are shots of the sets portraying the interior of the ship in the film, diagrams of said ship (the best of which is here), and a couple … [Read more...]

“Dark Knight Rises” Photos, Talk

With "The Avengers" dominating many a film writer's social media outlets and editorials for the next few weeks, Warners have thrown out some bones from "The Dark Knight Rises" just to make sure you don't forget it is on its way. Best guesses have the next trailer likely arriving alongside Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows" on May 11th. Warners used … [Read more...]

Host, Rush, GI Joe, Riddick Photos

A bunch of new photos have come out in the past few days, let's get to them. First is a photo of Saoirse Ronan in the film version of Stephenie Meyer's "The Host", and a shot of Byung-hun Lee's character Storm Shadow in "GI Joe: Retaliation". Then comes a look at Christian Slater in the Elmore Leonard adaptation "Freaky Deaky", and several … [Read more...]

“Game of Thrones” Photos, Video, Talk

HBO has released more new gorgeous photos from the upcoming second season of "Game of Thrones", along with a new 22-minute featurette entitled 'You Win or You Die' and a Q&A with co-creators and executive producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. Said clip features interviews and gives us a recap of key events in the first season, and a bit of a … [Read more...]

First “Lone Ranger,” “Rush” Photos

Some big debut pics have hit online over the past day. First up producer Jerry Bruckheimer used his Twitter account to give us a first look at Johnny Depp as Tonto and Armie Hammer as The Lone Ranger himself in Disney's film adaptation of "The Lone Ranger" which is currently filming. Tom Wilkinson, William Fichtner, Barry Pepper, James Badge … [Read more...]

“Star Trek 2” Set Photos Emerge

With filming several weeks in on J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek" sequel, a couple of set photos emerged on Friday and Saturday showing Spock (Zachary Quinto ) and Uhura (Zoe Saldana) battling with a new character played by Benedict Cumberbatch on what's described as a Space Barge set. While we still don't know what role he's playing, this confirms at … [Read more...]

Lensbaby Edge 80 Optic brings a slice of tilt-shift to your life (sample photos)

C'mon, admit it -- if you won one of many lotteries, you'd be purchasing a legitimate tilt-shift lens right after picking up a new Ferrari and buying a chocolate factory. Given that said scenario is highly unlikely to pan out, Lensbaby is stepping in to make the letdown a bit easier to stomach. The Edge 80 Optic is the latest in the outfit's … [Read more...]